Randy is a graduate of the University of Alabama and Reformed Theological Seminary. He and his family moved to Atlanta in 1977 to plant Perimeter Church. He is now the lead teaching pastor of Perimeter, and the founder of Life on Life Ministries.

In its earlier years, Perimeter was a pioneer in small group ministry and was one of ten churches to be highlighted in the book, “10 of the Most Innovative Churches in America”. It pioneered what was perhaps the first multi-campus church in America and then moved to a church planting model in the mid 1980’s.

With Randy’s leadership, Perimeter and its church plants have started over 40 churches in the Atlanta area. Perimeter was recently recognized by Leadership Network as the fourth most reproducing church in America. In addition to churches planted both nationally and internationally, Perimeter is a founding partner of Unite!, a group of over 120 churches from different denominations working together to bring Kingdom transformation to the city of Atlanta.

Randy is the author of four books and a discipleship curriculum used globally, entitled “The Journey”. His latest book is entitled “Insourcing: Bringing Discipleship Back to the Local Church”.

Randy is currently leading a discipleship group for his 50th consecutive year. Randy and his wife, Carol, have four adult married children and 14 grandchildren.